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Sunday, 18 July 2010

Lazy Make Money Online

   There are many advertisements and marketing campaigns out there that promise easy money with a few clicks a day. They want you to buy their product and tell you that without doing anything, you will make money. The sad reality is while they probably do make money, they make money selling people just like you this amazing system. The truth is they probably have not ever had to use the click button money brouhaha they are selling. You will not make any money staring at your computer. You have to get in and work really hard. To get people to take notice you have to really dig in and get traffic to your site.
You have to work hard to get your name and product out there. There are submissions to be made, people to connect with, and articles to write. There are people who make money online without doing anything, but those people already have money. They pay to sit back and let others do the work for them, and then they pay them pennies to reap the benefits. It takes time to make it online, it all comes down to how dedicated you are. People will not just buy the first thing that comes across in their email, or their desktop. They need to see that you have an online presence.
There are ways to do this, and when done properly it will bring in all the traffic you can stand. Make sure that you have original and good content on your site and connect with as many people as possible. Social media is a great way to do this. Sites like Swom, Bizoppers, and Better Networker allow you to connect with like minded people, and begin the process of establishing yourself online. Social media gives you a face and then you can begin to brand yourself. Make sure that you have something substantial to say. If you just write content to put words out there then you are not being true to the audience you are reaching for.
People buy from people, not a video, website, or flashy ad campaign. A lot of people are given false hope with promises that they will be able to retire, and make thousands in a few day promises. The reality is the people, who actually make millions use other people to do their hard work, and then they get you to buy it, and they are the only ones that make the money. There are all kinds of opportunities to make money out there, but they all take work and a good game plan.
I am fairly new in the internet marketing game, but I am smart enough to know what works and what does not work. I have made a small amount of money, and it leaves me wanting more. My favorite part is the people that I have met through Social Media and Internet Marketing Forums. I sincerely enjoy helping people.


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