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Sunday, 18 April 2010

Convert A Document To PDF

    How to convert a document to PDF isn't nearly as technical as it sounds. This quick and simple process is similar to printing, only you don't actually print the document. One of the features is that the document is write protected while in PDF format - what this means is that when you send the document to someone else they cannot alter or modify it, it's protected. In the world of Internet Marketing this practice is ideal for eBooks.

PDF explained
  • A PDF file is an electronic document that is printed electronically to your computer. Sounds a little complicated doesn't it - but it really isn't.
  • Images or graphics included in your document will also be transferred to your PDF file.
  • No changes can be made once in PDF file format because the document is protected.
  • If you need to make changes just go back to your original document, amend it and then convert it to PDF again.
Example of a PDF
  • When you have done the conversion you can then upload it to your hosting company so that it is available on your website.
  • This is exactly how an eBook is made - it starts out as a document and then it's converted to PDF.
  • That's why all eBooks have the file extension.PDF - e.g. name.PDF.
Here's how to convert a document to PDF
  • First you will need what is known as PDF conversion software.
  • There are several you can use - I would recommend using PrimoPDF.com - it's free to download!
  • Go to Google and download PrimoPDF to your desktop now. Select the Download Free option.
  • Open the document that you want to convert into PDF.
  • Now go to File (top left) and select Print.
  • In the first drop down menu - where it says printer name - select PrimoPDF.
  • Then click Ok - this may take a few moments.
  • Leave the Post Process option as Do Nothing.
  • At Save As select Specific Folder from the drop down menu - then save to your desktop.
  • Click on Create PDF - this may take a few moments.
  • Now go to your desktop and find your new PDF file. Note the file extension .PDF.
Uploading - a quick reminder
  • In case you are a little unsure about uploading your eBook - go to your FTP client (I recommend Filezilla.net, it's free!).
  • You always upload to the public_html folder therefore double click on it to open it.
  • Now bring up your desktop (in ftp client) and find your eBook in PDF.
  • Right click on it and select upload. It will then upload to public_html.
And Voila! You have just created a PDF file and uploaded it to your website. Well done!


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